Are you a resident of Cambourne, Papworth, Caxton or Elsworth?
Do you need transport for a medical or social appointment?
Are you unable to use public transport to reach your destination?
If you can answer YES to these 3 questions then please contact us at the Cambourne Community Car Scheme.
All our drivers are locally based volunteers who are friendly and helpful.
We we will take you to your appointment, wait and return you home.
Typical fares from Cambourne:
– Addenbrookes Hospital: £9.00
– Hinchingbrooke Hospital: £8.40
– St Ives: £7.20
– Local in Cambourne: £3.00
Please allow a minimum of 48 hours notice for your journey as we need time to contact our drivers.
Car scheme coordinator contact:
Tel: 07526 998 465 or Email:
We are always on the look out for more volunteer drivers.
Please make contact if you have a few hours to spare, thank you.