High Street – August 2019
Cllr Ruth Betson’s Facebook post, 20 August 2019:
Last night I attended the drop-in event organised by Newcrest showcasing their proposals for Cambourne high street that are out now for consultation…

Read post Here

Note: The Consultation closes on 16th September; more at www.cambournehighstreet.com

Have YOUR say: https://www.cambournehighstreet.com/comment

High Street – August 2019
Cambourne High Street Consultation: Drop in Event:
Monday, 19th August 209, From 4.00 – 8pm at The Hub Community Centre, High Street, Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6GW

For event details view HERE

The High Street is at the heart of Cambourne and Newcrest (Developer) has been working with the Town and District Councils to deliver more shops and homes.
The proposed development will include shops either side of the High Street with flats above and a new public square.

Details of the High Street proposals can be viewed HERE

Given that the consultation is taking place over the holiday period, the consultation will continue until 16th September 2019, after the Cambourne Community Fete.

High Street – February 2019
From Cllr Ruth Betson’s Facebook post, 22 February 2019:
I am saddened that the new administration at South Cambs has taken this decision after all the hard work that was put in.
However I am optimistic that we will find a way forward to create the heart of Cambourne that residents want and deserve. Please read the two statements below…

1)  Statement from South Cambs District Council:
Cambourne High Street update:
“South Cambridgeshire District Council has confirmed they will not be investing in current proposals that would have developed Cambourne High Street.
“The Council had been looking at how they could help support the development of the High Street, but after taking a thorough and considered look at the feasibility of the Council investing with the landowners, Newcrest, it was not viable.
“At a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 6 February, District Councillors took the decision not to proceed with an investment based on the current proposals.
The business case for the proposed investment contains commercially sensitive information and therefore the Council cannot go into detail.
“The Council is able to confirm that the current proposals would not have allowed them to achieve all the objectives in its investment strategy. This includes delivering local benefits whilst also generating a moderate return for the Council. The income generated is then used to pay for some of the core services people in the area need.
“The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bridget Smith, attended Cambourne Parish Council meeting at the beginning of February to update parish councillors.
“The Council will continue to look for opportunities to work in partnership to improve facilities in the district and make investments to generate income to provide services that local people need.”

2)  Response from the Director of Newcrest:
“South Cambs District Council confirmed this decision to me on 14th January 2019. This decision surprised me in light of the fact that I had been working very closely with their Officers for more than a year to develop a design that met their stated requirements.
“Notwithstanding this, it hopefully only represents a short delay in delivering a much needed scheme for the High Street and we are already holding detailed discussions with other potential investors.”

For information: Link to Newcrest website  here

High Street – June 2018
South Cambridgeshire District Council seeks to unlock potential of Cambourne High Street
An event will be held on Monday, July 2 from 3pm to 7.30pm at Cambourne High Street next to The Hub see below.
Read more …

SCDC and Carter Jonas are inviting the community to give their views on enhancements to Cambourne High Street.The…

Posted by Cambourne Parish Council on Tuesday, 26 June 2018

High Street – March 2018
From Cllr Ruth Betson’s column in the Cambourne Crier,  March 2018 issue:
After several months of discussion and research, I am delighted that South Cambridgeshire District Council has agreed to work with the developer and part fund the design works for Cambourne High Street with a view to bringing forward a planning application.
I am disappointed that unfortunately we didn’t win the £2 million bid we made to Government that I wrote about last month. However South Cambs District Council (SCDC) is looking to secure other financial partners for the necessary work of widening the road and relocating the cables and sewers.
For commercial reasons, much of the information I have been privy to is still confidential, but I will try to post updates on my Facebook page as soon as I am able to. I am excited about the future and hope that the final design will deliver the much wanted and waited for vibrant and lively High Street!