Wildlife Trust in Cambourne
The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire is a local wildlife conservation charity with its head-quarters in Cambourne.
We aim to bring people close to nature in a land rich with wildlife.
We do this by:
> Monitoring wildlife populations
> Managing nature reserves, including much of the green space around Cambourne
> Advising landowners
> Creating new habitat
> Educating people about wildlife and the environment
> Inspiring people to take action for wildlife.
We are looking for volunteers to fill a few different roles.
All of which will support us to make Cambourne better for wildlife and people and help people learn more about the wildlife on their doorstep.
Volunteer positions available:
> Cambourne Nature Reserve Volunteer Rangers
> Cambourne to be Wild Festival Volunteers (seasonal and short term)
> Toad Patrol Volunteers (seasonal and short term)
> Community and Education Volunteers.
If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact Rebecca Neal by:
Email: rebecca.neal@wildlifebcn.org
Tel: 07894 599 020
OR visit Website: www.wildlifebcn.org/get-involved/volunteer